Saturday, December 30, 2006


Al, Lindsay, Pete & I went to a shag on the 22nd and had a blast. It was nice we were let out of work early so we were at least able to do something fun on a Friday night. It was packed, so I didn't get to do very much dancing :-( Surprisingly, I ended up winning a tonne of prizes!!

All night long, Pete was talking like Borat, which I had no clue who that was, but just thought it was hilarious. He was so good at it, every time we would run into someone from work he would pretend to be Lindsay's husband Borat from Kazakhstan, and people would come up to Lindsay afterwards and say "Your husband isn't from around here, is he?" So after listening to that all I night I was dying to see the movie even though I knew nothing about it.

Since mom is up visiting, I decided to take her... (anyone who knows of Borat or who has seen the movie is gasping in shock right now - I now know that this is not the movie to take your mother to....especially MY mother!) It was actually a cute movie, very funny... although pretty nasty - if it wasn't so close to the end, I probably would've walked out during the naked fight scene between the 2 men!! It was absolutely disgusting, and way too long of a scene. Well, the movie was entertaining...

Anyways, I have discovered that Pete does a better Borat imitation than Borat himself does in the movie ;-)

One of my favourite little clips from the movie: (it's short, and one of the few clean scenes!)

BTW: I recommend hitting play, and then as soon as it starts hit pause for a few seconds to allow the movie to almost completely download before attempting to play it. Although it is a really short clip, it still takes a bit to download.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

To all my Northern friends....

Living in Northern Ontario, I can totally feel his pain! (Then again, it's the end of December, and surprisingly we don't really have snow yet..... so thankfully I haven't felt the pain yet this year!)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

This Educational Moment Brought to You by The Simpsons.....

Who knew a faggot was actually a bundle of sticks bound together for fuel! I need to watch The Simpsons more often. It's educational ;-)

Source: American Psychological Association (APA):faggot. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.0.1).

Thursday, December 07, 2006

That's All I Have Left To Say...

Exhausted ... burnt out ... fried ... not one more ounce of me left to give ...

That's all I have left to say ...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This too, shall pass.....I hope!

I am SO TIRED of being SICK! If I am magically better Thursday night, I will know it has all been just stress, otherwise it's the flu that just keeps dragging on. I constantly ache and feel like someone has beaten the crap out of me; I haven't been able to keep any food in me for roughly 2 weeks now, especially the past 3 days; and the ripping stomach aches that hit me when I am lying in bed at night makes me momentarily think I am dying. (Yet ironically I'm not losing weight - go figure) I called in sick last Wednesday, and my manager gave me such a rough time about it, and basically accused me of faking it, so it's just been easier to just suck it up and go to work. I just carry a little bucket around with me (as of course my desk has to be the farthest from the washroom!) {thoughts edited out to protect my job}

Ironically I watched on the news last night how most bosses prefer when their staff calls in sick when they have a cold/flu - (yeah, all bosses except those who work for the government!) Not only does the virus get spread around, resulting in more people getting sick, lack of productivity is another factor, as one just doesn't have the energy to give 100% at the office.

Thursday night I am supposed to get a flu shot - makes me wonder now if I even need to bother!

This too, shall pass....right?????? At least, thankfully, I am off tomorrow in preparation for my BIG exam on Thursday... hopefully I can recuperate while studying!

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